Sunday School 9:30am
Sunday's Full Service
- Sunday School for Adults and children: Sundays, 9:30am
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Sermon Notes
The Great Banquet
Luke 14:15-24
- In our talk today Jesus will share about the kingdom. This story is filled with warnings to the Pharisees- and by connection to us today.
- These warnings will help ensure us safe entrance into the kingdom if we heed them.
- It’s not the esteemed but the willing that enter the Kingdom of God.
3 Dangers for us to watch out for as we consider our invitation to the great banquet.
- The Danger of Missed opportunity.
- The Danger of Misplaced Priorities (18-21).
- The first is connected to work- probably a farmer, seeking to get to his work for the week.
- The Second is connected to property- I have to deal with my oxen- I have to get to my lawn to deal with things at home.
- The Third is Family- Family pressures of a new wife that cause a person to re-think obligations.
- The Danger of assumed standing with God (21-24).
- The master of the house after inviting the initial people- sent his servant everywhere.
- It’s not the esteemed but the willing that enter the Kingdom of God.